Preventive veterinary care at Friendly Animal Clinic in the Greensboro and Guilford College area is designed to keep your pet healthy and happy. Our comprehensive services, such as vaccinations and bloodwork, are customized to meet the particular needs of your pet.
Vaccinations & Preventive Health Care
Preventive health care is designed to prevent disease, injury, and illness, ensuring a long, healthy life for your pet.
At Friendly Animal Clinic in the Greensboro and Guilford College area, our team considers regular exams, immunizations, parasite prevention, and more to be a cornerstone of the comprehensive care intended to safeguard your pet from serious health issues.
We believe prevention is the key to good health. Therefore we work with our patients and their people to prevent health issues or identify and treat them as early as possible before they become more serious.

Preventive Health Services at Friendly Animal Clinic in Greensboro
Dogs and cats can benefit from the following preventive health care services available at our hospital:
Regular Check-Ups
Annual exams provide an opportunity to diagnose and care for any developing issues, as well as track their ongoing health.
Vaccinations are essential to immunize your pet from the effects of distemper, parvovirus, rabies, hepatitis, bordetella, and more.
Our veterinary team uses blood tests and other diagnostic tools to help uncover diseases that are difficult to detect in seemingly healthy pets.
Parasite Prevention
Dogs and cats are susceptible to heartworm, fleas, ticks, and other parasites. Regular preventive medication can protect them.
Nutritional Consulting
Our team will help you find the right type of food and the appropriate amount required for your pet's unique dietary needs.
During their first year, kittens need several vaccinations and procedures to protect them from threatening diseases. After their first year, your cat will only need boosters on the core vaccinations every one to three years, depending on the type of vaccine used and other factors specific to your cat's needs.
- 6 to 8 weeks
- Rhinotracheitis, Calcivirus, Panleukopenia, Chlamydia
- 10 to 12 weeks
- Booster: Rhinotracheitis, Calcivirus, Panleukopenia, Chlamydia
- Feline Leukemia
- 14 to 16 Weeks
- Booster: Rhinotracheitis, Calcivirus, Panleukopenia, Chlamydia
- Feline Leukemia 2
- 5 to 6 months
While the following are not vaccinations, these procedures can help protect your cat from multiple health problems:
- Spay (females)
- Neuter (males)
- Possible microchipping
As puppies' immune systems develop during the first year, they require a series of vaccinations to protect them from several serious diseases. Following the first year, your dog will require boosters on the core vaccines every one to three years. The frequency will be determined by the type of vaccine used as well as your dog's unique needs.
- 6 to 8 weeks
- DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)
- 10 to 12 Weeks
- Booster: DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)
- Bordetella (Optional)
- Leptospirosis (Optional)
- 14 to 16 Weeks
- Booster: DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)
- Rabies
- Booster: Bordetella (Optional)
- Booster: Leptospirosis (Optional)
- Spay (females)
- Neuter (males)
- 12 to 16 Months
- Final Booster: DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)
- Rabies
- Final Booster: Bordetella (Optional)
- Final Booster: Leptospirosis (Optional)
Fleas are small, flightless insects that live on the outside of your pet, consuming their blood and causing irritation.
As external parasites, ticks feed on the blood of their hosts, which can be birds, mammals, reptilians, or amphibians.
Ear Mites
Ear mites are small arachnids that dwell in the ear canals of dogs, cats, other small animals, and humans.
Spread through a mosquito bite, the heartworm is a small, thread-like parasitic roundworm that can cause fatality in pets.
Hookworms are parasitic roundworms that live in the digestive system of cats and dogs, feeding off their blood.
Roundworms are intestinal parasites that feed off the partially digested contents found in the intestines of dogs and cats.
Often contracted by drinking contaminated water, tapeworms are flat, segmented parasitic worms that live in the intestine.
Named for its whip-like appearance, the whipworm is a parasitic roundworm and is one of the most common parasites in dogs.